The Perfect Fried Green Tomato Recipe

This is a quick and easy fried green tomato recipe. Use this to make perfect fried green tomatoes every time. Sometimes the simplest recipes get the most amazing results and bring smiles every time you make them.

Finding perfect tomatoes for frying sometimes can be a chore. Making fried green tomatoes is even harder. With a cast iron skillet and this recipe, you will have a recipe guide to make absolutely delicious fried green tomatoes.


5-7 tomatoes (2lbs) 2 tsp salt
1/2 cup milk 2 tsp paprika
1 1/2 cup of all-purpose flour 1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 cup cornmeal 1/4 tsp sage
2 eggs 1/4 tsp thyme
3 tsp onion powder 1/4 tsp black pepper

Now that you have the ingredients to make fried green tomatoes you’re only 5-steps away from deliciousness.


Slice and Mix
First wash, then slice your tomatoes about 1/4 inch thick. Then mix the eggs and milk together in a bowl. After, in a separate bowl mix the dry ingredients. You can pour the dry mixture onto a large plate or shallow baking pan but you can leave it in the bowl, if you prefer less dishes. :)

Heat Your Skillet
Pour your cooking oil of choice in your cast iron skillet on medium-high heat. For more oil and less effort 1/2-inch of oil. But you can get away with 1/4-inch of oil and the green tomatoes fry just fine. Remember to preheat your skillet before pouring in the oil.

Dip, Dunk and Dredge
Now you’re almost ready. Take a tomato slice and dip it into the flour mix. Then dunk the tomato completely into the egg mixture before another dredge of the flour.  Repeat this with more slices until you have enough tomatoes to cook several at once. For a 10-inch cast iron skillet this is about 4 to 5 tomato slices, depending on their size.

Now you’re ready to make fried green tomatoes!

Fry and Dry
Add tomatoes to your cast iron skillet so you can easily flip them over. You want the tomatoes a rich golden brown. This takes anywhere from 2-3 minutes per side. After that first side gets crisp, flip your fried green tomatoes and fry for roughly another 2 minutes, or until they’re golden to your satisfaction. When fully cooked drain the excess oil on a paper towel lined plate.

While you do want to enjoy them, before chomping down, allow the fried green tomatoes to cool slightly.  Enjoy them alone or with your favorite condiment. Totally delicious.